Who registers trademarks in Ukraine?

Everyone who wants this entrepreneur, as well as a person engaged in non-profit activities, can receive exclusive rights to their own designation in Ukraine. This can be done by both legal entities and individuals, having passed a certain procedure - registration of a trademark.

Who registers TM

Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property

The state enterprise “Ukrainian Institute of Intellectual Property”, which is part of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, is responsible for the registration of trademarks in Ukraine.

It is this organization that issues the Trademark Registration Certificate, as well as other intellectual property: patents, utility models, inventions. The authority of the Institute includes conducting formal and qualification examinations of intellectual property for compliance with the conditions for the provision of legal protection in Ukraine.

Anyone can apply for such examinations and, accordingly, receive a trademark. To do this, you do not need to have any specific status, just express your desire by submitting in a certain order documents of the established form.

Patent Attorney of Ukraine

Patent Attorneys of Ukraine

If self-registration is not acceptable for you, you do not want to spend your energy, nerves and time on this, then patent attorneys exist for this case.

Patent attorneys are intellectual property professionals who have undergone special training and certification for the right to engage in such activities. These people are called upon to advise applicants, submit applications on their behalf for obtaining trademarks, patents and other intellectual property, as well as represent the respective rights of their clients.

An appeal to patent attorneys is ideal for companies and individuals who do not have time to prepare and fill out the necessary documentation. The main advantage of attorneys over applicants who apply is their competence in this matter. An experienced patent attorney who has registered more than one trademark will not only be able to submit an application, but also conduct a preliminary check of the trademark, assessing in advance and accurately the chances of successful registration of your designation.