Standard and non-obvious ways to use your logo

The theme of creating a logo is much and often discussed - this issue attracts a lot of attention, both from designers and developers themselves, to entrepreneurs who will use it in the future. It is not surprising, because the principle of "meet on clothes" is applicable not only in the field of human relations, but also the contractor-contractor relations. And let the most important task of a logo is to display the essence, strategy, and field of activity of a company, quite often the logo is not fully used by their owners. Taking into account the fact that this is a laborious and sometimes difficult task, the best solution would be to consider all possible ways of using it, because the analysis of these methods could be useful, and significant. Below we consider the scope of your logo, which could positively affect the conduct of your business.

Brand Logos

Application of the logo on the Internet

One of the standard ways to apply the logo, since many businesses and individuals use websites to familiarize customers and advertise. Thus, the logo can and should be applied in such places:

Web page of the company. This is the “face” of your site that distinguishes you from competitors;

Pictures and avatars for social networks. This is almost a free opportunity to use the logo as an advertisement and promotion of your brand to the masses;

On advertising banners. The obvious way to use that helps "unwinding" your brand on the Internet and further marketing promotion.

For watermark. This measure will help in protecting your copyright of your work in digital photos.

Logo for Youtube or other video hosting sites. If as a result of your company's activities, the opportunity to demonstrate video guides and reviews appears, it is imperative to use this - this is a great way to attract additional target audiences.

Signature to letters via email. It is infrequently used, because here you need to take into account the features of the logo itself - sometimes it attracts too much attention. However, a harmonious and simple logo will be a plus in this situation.

As an application icon. If your field of activity involves clients entering the site via a mobile phone (IOS or Android), this will also be important and relevant. A vivid example can be a variety of mobile applications through the Playmarket for Android.

The site icon, a different name - favicon (from the English. FAVourite ICON). This is a small icon of your logo, which can be seen in front of the site name when loading in the browser. In addition, the favicon helps in identifying the site if it has been saved in bookmarks;

As a screen saver desktop wallpaper. Rather, it bears the goal of corporate motivation of employees, their cohesion and commitment to one business.

Logo sign

Logo application for advertising purposes

In part, we have already considered it in the field of application in the Internet, however, if your site has real offices where customers and contractors turn, you must use the logo in external attributes for memorization. Since these are fairly standard methods, you should not go too far and just enumerate what to do with this.

First of all, these are signs on the facade of the building, as it is an obvious guideline for everyone without exception.

For advertising on the streets, the logo is required for use on billboards, billboards and citylights.

Also, your logo should appear in booklets, flyers and posters that are distributed for review. The same applies to stickers, posters, calendars, packages and other attributes, if they are used in your company.

It would not be superfluous to illustrate your logo on notebooks, folders, disks, bags, backpacks, if it comes with cooperation with partners. A striking example here is the Coca-Cola brand, which uses its own logo right up to the design of the machines and the refrigerators already familiar to us. According to various sources, the company spends up to a third of its marketing fees, and this is a matter of billions in investments.

We recommend registering your logo as a trademark, why? Read the article: " Why register a trademark ."

Application of logos in the office

Your company's home also needs an illustration of the brand logo - this measure serves both for collective motivation and for demonstrating to the counterparties of the cohesion of your team to counterparties. The logo here can be used in a variety of ways, and the question here is only in financial opportunities and a certain sense of proportion, so as not to overdo it. These include:

Logo on business cards. The standard version of the logo, which is used by many companies to establish contact with customers and partners.

Display logo in wet print. It acts more like an additional protective mechanism, which is recorded in the documents.

Logo on the form of workers. At the mention of the minds of one of the first come employees of supermarkets and catering - this is an example of proper use of the logo in work clothes, which often significantly affects the promotion and advertising. This can also include the display of the logo on the badges.

Logo display on flags, forms, envelopes, stationery and various souvenirs. Despite the fact that this external attribute of the office is not always visible to the eye of the target audience, the logo on these accessories is very useful and demonstrates the company's serious attitude to its own business.

The corporate background for the photo shoot is also quite an interesting solution for using the logo. Often it is used during various conferences, seminars and many other events.

Product logo

Application in the design of products

The logo in the design of products is one of the most important, because it is the main point of contact between the client and the contractor, a kind of autograph that confirms that it was you who made this product or provided the service. The logo here can be displayed on products, their packaging, boxes, labels, bags for products and much more.

As a result, it can be emphasized that the scope of application of the logo is extremely diverse and this list does not indicate everything. Make extensive use of your logo, and for high-quality development and design, please contact us, the company .