How much does a trademark cost ? This question is asked to anyone who is ready to receive a security document. If you have already decided to register a trademark, the price will not be a hindrance. In this article we will write out all the components that affect the cost of obtaining a certificate for a mark for goods and services.
Official fees and payments during trademark registration may be different and depend on such factors:
- Registration procedure: 7-8 months; 18-20 months.
- Number of classes for registration: in total there are 45 classes for goods and services.
- Type of trademark: graphic; verbal; combined.
The first factor that affects the cost of registering a TM is the timing of its registration. It is necessary to understand that initially an application is submitted for obtaining a mark using the usual procedure, and only then the amount for acceleration is paid. The cost of applying for 1000 hryvnia for one class of registration. If you decide to speed up the procedure and get a certificate in 7-8 months, the price of registration of the trademark will increase, you will need to pay in addition to the state budget 5220 hryvnia for one registration class. For each next class + 612 hryvnia, provided that you register a verbal or graphic mark. In the case of a combined sign, the cost per acceleration is different: acceleration is 9396 hryvnia for one class and 960 hryvnia for each subsequent one. If you have time and do not rush, the longest procedure of 18-20 months would be ideal. By agreeing to such terms, you save and pay only 1000 hryvnia fees for one selected class.
The next factor affecting the price of registration of TM , which will have to spend, is the classes for registration. There is an international classifier of goods and services (MKTU), it indicates 45 classes to choose from for the registration of the brand. These classes indicate which services or products will be offered under the brand name received. It should be noted that the choice of classes is a very important task, since after receiving the certificate, it is not possible to add the class of ICGS. For each selected type of activity you must pay - 1000 hryvnia. Large companies, most often register the brand in all 45 classes and do not pay attention to the cost, because Only such registration gives full guarantee and security to the sign.
In order to better understand, let's give an example :
You register a brand: “Example” for class 12. This class assumes the release of vehicles under the label “Example”. More specifically, specified in the classifier: Vehicles; the devices moving on the earth, water and air. Protection of your sign will apply only to vehicles. This means that another person can absolutely calmly receive a certificate for a mark for goods and services on the “Example” mark of the same name, but for example, in class 12 of the Classification of Goods and Services: Firearms; ammunition and shells; explosives; fireworks. And it will be absolutely legal, because Your sign applies only to the class of ICGS selected for registration.
There are three types of brands:
Views speak for themselves. Fine art, or as it is also called graphic, is a brand that represents a graphic element, for example, a company logo.
Verbal. A brand that protects a certain word or phrases, and sometimes whole sentences, such as a company slogan.
The combined mark is a symbiosis of a verbal and pictorial sign. For example, the logo and company name.
The price for filing any of the applications is 1000 hryvnia. As you can see, this item does not affect the cost of registering a trademark.
Also in the budget will need to make small payments:
Another component of the price for the registration of a brand can be a search for submitted applications for a mark for goods and services. The cost of such a search - 865 hryvnia for one class and 175 for each subsequent. This search is optional, but very desirable, because in case the application for a similar mark has already been filed before you, it will be impossible to get the desired brand. You can conduct a free, online brand search online using the form below:
To protect your brand names will help you register a trademark price for such guarantees is relatively small.
In any case, we recommend ordering TM registration from professionals to avoid problems: