1 Check TM
2 Filing application
3 Payment
International trademark application
Apply for international trademark registration



The trademark is protected by the laws of the State in which it is registered. To protect the trademark outside of Ukraine, you must register it in all countries where products are produced or sold (services are provided).

   Registered trademark in a foreign country in two ways:

• apply directly to the Office of interests of the country;

• refer to the Madrid system of international trademark registration.

International trademark registration using the Madrid system - the most economical and efficient mechanism for trademark registration in other countries. This is especially felt when the trademark must be protected not in one of the two countries and the territories of many states. The Madrid System allows you to register a trademark in 97 countries by filing with only one application.

Our service allows you to submit an online application for international registration of a trademark within 5 minutes. You can carry out a trademark search of the international registry; calculate the cost of international registration, specifying the appropriate country; to apply for registration and pay for it in any way convenient for you: payment card, invoice, Interkassa, VISA, MASTERCARD.

After the application for international registration, you will be able to track the progress of proceedings in a private office in each country stated. After the expiration of the ten-year period of validity of the trademark, profitmark.ua remind you of the need to extend the brand for the next 10 years.