This term implies the regulation of legal relations that are related to the use of the results of creative activity in the field of literature, art, science, programming and the creation of databases.
A bit of history:
During the Middle Ages, so-called privileges were used, which were issued by the rulers at the request of the creator of the work. At that time it was believed that the author is only a conductor of divine knowledge, and expresses them as they can. Therefore, all claims of rights were sinful and devoid of meaning.
Later, in the beginning of the 18th century, a law was passed - for the first time the protection of the authors of drawings, maps and books was announced. According to the Statute of Queen Anne, the term of protection of rights to all publications was set to 14 years, after which it was possible to obtain the same document. Renewal of copyrights was allowed only once, after which the work became accessible to all, and it was possible to engage in its publication.
Nowadays, the situation has changed dramatically. Today, all rights of creators of works are legally protected:
- illegal recordings of speeches, rewriting of video clips are prohibited;
- the effect of copyright extended for the entire life of the author and another 70 years after his death.
1. It is necessary to fix the rights to the work. If this is not done, then after a while it can be problematic to prove authorship. These days this document costs a little, but after a while it turns out to be very valuable. First of all, registration is a concern for the future.
2. This step is especially important in order to be able to dispose of your rights at your own discretion. The document on the availability of rights is a mandatory annex to the agreement on the disposal of the rights of the author - the transfer of such, the conclusion of a license agreement.
3. In order to be able to prove their rights. In the absence of such a document, it may be impossible to perform this action, including in court. This topic is particularly relevant in the field of trademark, domain and patent copyright.
The best contract is made in writing. You can make it only in the case when the author's rights are fixed. It is important to obtain a certificate for the object, and only after the rights are properly recorded, it is possible to enter into an agreement and their disposal.
The advantage of licensing consists primarily in obtaining written confirmation of rights.
It becomes possible to transfer these rights with a clear stipulation of terms, volumes and other conditions. This applies to the licensor, but for the licensee, the following positive points can be noted:
- there will be no questions from the control bodies regarding the legality of its actions - the release of books, CDs or other objects protected by copyright;
- payments of all rewards for using the object of protection will be the costs of the enterprise.
Object of copyright are sites. They contain texts, graphic images, software, a set of data - all this needs to be protected. Just to start, you should decide on objects that need protection.
If you perform the necessary actions in a timely manner, then it will be easy to protect everything that is registered properly. As you know, the most interesting part of the site - graphics and successful articles - can be copied. If there is no copyright document, there will be no way to protect them.
The copyright is not a domain or trademark. Registration in this case is a legal service and it is not related to copyright.
This method is effective enough to stop the violations. In this matter, a qualified approach is important - legal advice will help here. You can resolve the dispute before the trial, if the letter - the claim will be made correctly. There are cases when the plaintiff changes the course of behavior and expresses a desire to resolve the issue by a peace agreement, after reading the counterclaim drawn up by a specialist.