The initial stage of business formation, especially of small businesses, requires a balanced prioritization, since financial resources are still limited, and the first “fruits” of business activity have not yet been received. In order to stay within the designated budget, you need to choose the main directions of the company's development and often entrepreneurs donate logo design, which is often wrong. This is due to the fact that marketing promotion at the start is one of the most important factors, and the logo as a symbol of the company plays a decisive role. Of course, in the conditions of limited material benefits, especially small businesses are hard to find a reasonable compromise, which we will try to find out today in this article. We will consider statistical studies regarding the price segment, characteristics and wishes in the design of the logo of small businesses, we will make their analysis and try to come to a reasonable conclusion.
The search and identification of the main preferences in the logos of small business representatives through a survey was carried out by many both foreign and regional logo design companies. Thus, one online service Logaster was able to conduct a comprehensive study on this issue, during which regularities and preferences were identified when choosing one or another logo. This survey was conducted in the winter period of last year, and about 1117 respondents took part in it - small business representatives, start-up entrepreneurs and many others. So it was discovered that:
1) The bulk of small companies choose for themselves an acceptable development fee for the logo up to $ 100, and almost every fifth company wants to get it for free at all;
2) The mass of customers of the logo is not ready to wait for a long time to get the company logo. Almost every fourth company among the respondents wants to get the product in 1-2 days, and almost half of the respondents who took part in the study - a week or two, which is already a more adequate interval.
3) When choosing the ratio of price and quality, the absolute majority adheres to the golden mean and wants to get a balanced logo. It is also noteworthy that:
- 31% of surveyed small business companies prefer to pay more for better logo quality;
- 18% prefer relatively inexpensive, but acceptable in quality options for themselves;
- 8% want to get for themselves a free or very cheap logo.
However, a detailed analysis further showed that of those respondents who did not answer this question with the "golden mean", the audience was divided into those who sacrifice quality / for the sake of quality approximately equally. That is, the priorities of companies are sometimes very different.
4) Also, as a result of data collection, it turned out that many companies (85% of the respondents) consider it important or very important that the company's logo clearly illustrates the scope of its activities.
Thanks to this research, we also managed to find out the structure of clients from the sphere of small business. Thus, about 90% of those surveyed are equally divided among those who are in pursuit of a cheap logo and those who seek balance during its development. Only 10% of small business companies studied are willing to pay a significant amount for the development of the logo.
Some individual statistical facts:
1) 23.5% of respondents can wait and 6 months just for the sake of getting a free logo;
2) 30 dollars - this is the price for small business is considered the most acceptable;
3) There are about 11% of "utopians" - those who believe in a cheap, high-quality and quickly designed logo.
This survey perfectly illustrated the “heterogeneity” of small business companies, which is certainly interesting and entertaining. Nevertheless, the main trend is for those companies that understand the importance of the logo and, although for a small fee, they want to get an adequate price / quality logo for a relatively short period of time. To develop a logo, you can also contact us at Profitmark , we will create a logo based on your wishes in a professional manner !